By God's grace I had the whole day off, which for Charlie and I means sleeping in past nine and eating breakfast after ten. I won't lie, this happens a lot. And it's awesome. Anyway, crepes for breakfast, and I was only a little bit mad that Charlie stayed in bed while I made them. This is amazing progress for me! We read the Bible - we are currently making our way through the book of Hebrews together and I am learning a lot. It's good for me to slow down and talk about what I'm reading. Very nice.
After lunch and some zombie tv show, Charlie headed off to work and I got busy. This really could have turned into a domestic disaster like the one I mentioned in an earlier post, but I think two things saved me this time: I stopped and rested, even took a nap this afternoon, when I was feeling myself getting tired. And maybe for this reason, I wasn't feeling like a slave this time. I actually felt totally joyful and privileged to be able to stay home all day and fart around the house. This, too, is progress!
I roasted butternut squash for a chowder I made, got dressed up real cute and brought stuffed tomatoes and veggies to Charlie at work for dinner, did buttloads (seriously) of dishes, and got the house looking really sweet for Joseph & Jarica to stay over tonight. All projects done! All missions accomplished! And here I sit with my feet up, savoring this rare and wonderful day and anticipating the arrival of a friend and her ice cream. Does it get better?
These days are rare, and I think that's why I have learned to appreciate them so much. I have often felt resentful of my (paying) job because my heart truly longs to be at home, making things lovely, making lovely things. And soon this will be my life!
Starting in October I'll be a stay-at-home.... wife! It seems too good to be true, and so of course sometimes I assume that it is. What am I missing?! God doesn't actually answer prayers, does He? I am honestly having a hard time believing this time has come. I think I am the luckiest lady in the world and at the same time am praying that there isn't some surprise sneak attack planned! Some day soon I will wake up and just...not have to go to work anymore. Wow. I don't have anything else to say right now, just wow.
Totally cool that you get to begin your domestic career soon--good for you & good for Charlie! I'm coming up on 30 years--yikes, that must mean I'm rilly old--of living the dream. It's been a huge blessing. Congratulations!
PS. Love your blog. :-)
That sounds wonderful Lacey! You will get to focus on Charlie and the baby even more, I know you're gonna love it!
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