Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here you go Lace

So I really have nothing helpful to say, but Lacey wants me to blog so here I go- I'm blogging. :) I do have a question for the Momma's out there (apparently just Carla, at this point). We pray with Bekah every night before bed and lately she's been saying she doesn't want to pray. Have you dealt with that with your kids? If so, what did you say? We are struggling with telling her that she has to pray because we want her to want to do it and not do it out of obligation. So any wisdom that anyone has on that would be lovely!

I am also excited to see how this blog develops and I hope we're all able to help each other serve our husbands and families through this. Thank you dear Lacey, for starting this fun adventure!


Lacey said...

Sorry to be a slave-driver, Bethy! :) Forgive?

Carla said...

We have only had this happen when a kid was grumpy because they didn't want to go to bed :) I just said, "well I am going to pray over you anyway because I love you" and then I prayed. I have had this with sitting down to do Bible time though. I am not sure honestly what the right approach is. We go ahead and do it anyway, because that is something adults need to learn to push through too, to spend time with God when they don't "feel" like it. I just tell them we spend time with God even if we don't feel like it because that is what you do when you love someone, spend time with them even if it isn't what you want to do. I figure this is a good way to learn about love, and for marriage too, love is not a feeling, it is what you do. I do keep things shorter on these days though. I would love to hear other thoughts though!