Friday, July 23, 2010

Nutrition Myths Debunked

I found the following article in an attempt to determine whether brown sugar is better for us than white sugar. Turns out it's not. At least according to this article. Has anyone heard something different?

Other interesting myths busted: apparently brown eggs don't differ in either taste nor nutritional value. I think that will save me some money next time. But the brown eggs do make me feel so farm-y.

Top 10 Diet and Nutrition Myths Debunked


Carla said...

Nope, sugar is sugar. Sucanut is still sugar but way less processed, so some feel it is "healthier." It really depends on what you are going for. Found out agave isn't any healthier either. What a sucker I am!

Lacey said...

You can't win 'em all.

I was going to try sucanut but wasn't sure if it was worth the price jump.