Tonight's blessing has been brought to you straight from the FlyLady (see earlier posts or check out her website). She's a little random and sometimes hokey but DANG this lady can homemake!
She calls it C.H.A.O.S.: can't have anyone over syndrome. Her magical first step toward getting an out-of-control kitchen/house/life into shape, while bringing boundless joy, is shining the kitchen sink.
I did this for the first time last summer and I am not kidding you, you have never seen such a non-spiritual conversion in your life. I finished the sink and wandered the house looking for dishes to wash. This is not a joke, friends. I literally hated doing the dishes. Still do most of the time.
She explains it better here but the idea is that gaining control over one little area of your house makes you feel so incredibly accomplished that you are inspired to keep moving forward, one small step at a time. You look at that clean sink and you're like, "Take that, dirty house demon voices that tell me I'm losing." And you chalk one up for you and start finding other areas to conquer.
The third picture is a another one of FlyLady's ideas. (p.s. I have no idea why she's called that. I can't be held responsible.) She recommended that people who don't have dishwashers find a container to use as a sort of dish pit to hide dirty dishes until it's time to do them, and also to make it easier to attack the stack because you don't have to pull them all out of the sink before you can even start filling it with your hot, soapy water. I found this aluminum beverage tub at Target last summer and it works like magic.
...until the dishes start pouring over onto the stove, and the counter, and eventually into the sink, and stay there taunting me for days... and then I know it's time to shine the sink again.
You know, this topic of dishes might require multiple posts because they are such a devil to me. Stay tuned!
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